Start your week from a place of ease and rest...
You're invited to join The RELEASED Community, a weekly online gathering of women dedicated to Spirit-led encouragement, healing and hope.
When: Every Monday (except holidays/vacations), from 10-11:00a CST
Where: Online via Zoom
Cost: FREE to join
Within The RELEASED Community, we believe in the transformative power of God’s love and the importance of walking together in faith and support. Each session is a time to focus your attention on God and dedicate your week, your life and your work to Him.
Cultivate a Rhythm of Rest: Even Jesus went up to the mountain to pray and rest. How much more do we need this in our own lives? Being able to listen to what God is speaking requires stillness and time set aside. This is a place to experience both in prayer and worship. Please know, God is giving you permission to rest.
Meet with God in a Place of Peace: Use this time however you see fit! Some use it to plan their week, some use it to read the Word or journal their prayers. This is a time intentionally set aside for you and the Lord, while also being with other women of faith.
Each week will loosely follow the same format:
Welcome, Sharing and Prayer (15 minutes ): A quick check-in and prayer or maybe a trauma-informed teaching led by Liza to begin the time together focused on Jesus.
Reflective Prayer and Worship (25 minutes): With instrumental musical playing in the background, this is a time for you to quiet your heart and mind - to experience clarity & peace in the chaos of life.
Sharing of Encouragement (20 minutes): This is by no means mandatory, but those who feel led can share any encouragement God has put on their hearts. It's such an uplifting experience for everyone. Beautiful things happen when we are united in Christ!
Sign Up Below
Liza will send you an email with the Zoom link to join. Feel free to just come and go as you need. This is a no pressure, no commitment group!